Commercial Land Surveying

Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc. is an established survey and land development provider that has been performing comprehensive surveying services in the North Florida are for over 20 years. With a variety of disciplines mastered, BTS can assist with just about any request.
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  • It is acknowledged that members of the American Land Title Association have very specific obligations that must be met. We provide a first-rate experience that meets our client needs and the highest standards set forth by the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM), title insurers and abstracters, and the National Society of Professional surveyors (NSPS). Incorporating elements of boundary, topographic, and mortgage surveys, our staff works diligently to provide the most encompassing experience possible.

  • Layouts of proposed developments and other structures are vital in understanding jobs sites. Our chiefs, technicians, and drafters collaboratively perform in the field and office settings to produce construction calculations and maps for ease of accurate communication. Additionally, Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc. offers documentation showing final horizontal and vertical field locations of finished developments in relation to any potential future changes.

  • Sometimes there are very specific cases in development that require standards that sets them apart from any other traditional survey. The special site surveys conducted at Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc. always include adequate research of the land and property, as well as collaboration with organizations to ensure that building codes are met.

  • Necessary for the smooth function of a commecial (or residential) project, our worry free As-Builts provide clients with a complete and scalable layered drawing. The strong communication circle between staff and client entities ensures that customers receive a timely and refined deliverable. Our professional surveyors collaboratively coordinate, deploy, and deliver accurate plans completely centered around client needs.

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) elevation certificate documents present captured data in terms of overall effects to flood insurance for a particular property. When a property is found to be in such a location, our surveyors will actively work to prove the accuracy of collected data and compare it to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). These steps are taken to provide clients with the most precise and recent information as possible.

  • While easements and their legal descriptions are not always required, there are cases where such information becomes a necessity. At Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc., we offer this service so that clients are informed of the exact position of lines such as water, gas, and sewage pipes. This information can prove valuable since easements are not always owned by any particular entity.

  • Boundary inventory of wetland areas determined by the careful observation of various topographic factors in conjunction with trained scientific judgement. Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc. customizes services offered to meet the needs of each customer. Since it has a unique relationship with government agencies, jurisdictional wetland delineation and mapping is performed to the highest standards set forth by clients and firms alike.

  • Here at Bartram Trail Surveying, Inc., we have the capabilities to offer both mean high and mean low water surveys. Our standards follow that of NOAA Tidal Datums for both sides and currents relative to our property to provide the most precise measurements for your deliverable. These surveys are particularly important because these details factor in to infrastructure foundation and can provide insight to the precise amount and areas of foundational droop or affliction.